5 Myths about Hypnosis
Oct 03, 2022
Before I ever experienced a hypnosis session, I had a vision of what the experience was going to be - someone was going to "knock me out", that I would be completely unconscious, and they would extract information deeply hidden in my subconscious. Looking back now at the thoughts I had then, I have no idea why I even decided to experience hypnosis because what I used to think it was is kind of creepy!
I'm not sure why I thought it was a good to be unconscious with someone I didn't even know, but thankfully, I discovered that's not what hypnosis is at all - not even close!
As I experienced profound results and transformation in my life through hypnosis, I became interested in training and applying it in my private practice. I quickly learned that what I thought hypnosis was and wasn't is very common, especially because most of what the public knows about hypnosis is what they have seen from a specific type called "stage hypnosis", or "entertainment hypnosis."
Entertainment hypnosis is what you see sometimes on TV or on stage at a theater for, well... entertainment. The people trained in this type of hypnosis are trained to work with volunteers who are the most willing to convince themselves to go along with whatever the person is telling them to do. If you're a guarded person or not comfortable in that environment, you aren't going to be chosen. As soon as you feel less wiling to go along with the experience, you'll be back in your seat before any even knows what it is happening.
This type of hypnosis is very different from the hypnosis utilized in clinical and spiritual exploration settings to help a person process through emotions and create mindset and behavior changes. In a clinical or spiritual hypnosis setting, nobody is going to ask you to cluck like a chicken - And thank goodness for that!
In the thousands of clients I have worked with through the years, I came to realize just how important it is to have an understanding of some of the common myths and misconceptions that exist around hypnosis, because thinking it is one thing, when really it is something else, can impact a session.
5 Common Myths About Hypnosis
Myth #1: Hypnosis is being unconscious or asleep
You remain awake and aware all throughout the session when you experience hypnosis. You will be aware of the sounds around you, where you are, and what you are thinking and feeling. Your conscious mind present. It's more like a passenger, overseeing your experience, while the heart and soul do the work through the subconscious and superconscious.
Myth #2: Hypnosis is mind control
Nobody has the power to control your mind unless you want them to. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The process is about you giving yourself permission to let go into the experience so you can access your innate deeper wisdom.
Myth #3: You will divulge all of your deepest secrets
You have full control over what you say or don't say to the facilitator guiding you. Your conscious mind is present during the experience. It is helpful for your facilitator to know what you is showing up for you so they can guide you to help you reach your goals for the session but the choice is fully yours over what you share or don't share.
Myth #4: Hypnosis is something you've never done before
If you're a human, you've experienced hypnosis: While you fall asleep and wake up, feeling emotion while watching a tv show or movie, while listening to music, often while highway driving or any form of daydreaming. Even worry is a form of hypnosis! It is something you have already experienced but might not be aware of that due to misconceptions that exist about what hypnosis is and isn't.
Myth #5: Hypnosis is dangerous
Hypnosis is safe in most instances. It is not appropriate to have a hypnosis session if a person is experiencing psychoses or some other mental illnesses, but for most people, it is safe. There is a time and place when it is most appropriate in an individual's healing and emotional processing journey. Hypnosis can be very helpful in processing through trauma. However, If you have trauma in your background, an experienced facilitator can help assess if this is the best modality for you at this time, or if there are other tools that are best experienced first.
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