I believe that there is one person that has the answers you seek. That person is YOU. I'm honored to help you find your inner light.

How it began...

"And the day came, when the risk to remain in the bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom."   

              - Anais Nin


I've always been a deep thinker and feeler with a sensitive nature. Growing up, I had a strong intuitive voice, but an even stronger logical mind. In time, it was through the power of hypnotherapy I experienced that I learned how to balance and utilize both of these aspects in a helpful way, and this has helped me understand how to best work with and help others as as certified consulting hypnotist and spiritual coach.

For much of my life, I was a people pleaser, professional worrier (and good at it!) with a strong inner critic. The issue was, I didn’t only feel my stuff, but I had what felt like a cursed ability to feel everyone else’s emotions too.

I was really good at putting all of my attention and energy toward others but rarely gave to myself –
Until I had no choice because I burnt out. Within this same timeframe in life, I also had a series of "Spiritually Transformative Experiences" and a near death experience. 

I felt like my world was turning upside down and inside out. I questioned everything I thought I knew. I was more confused than ever about how to feel better - more present, less anxious, more at peace. I didn't understand what my purpose was in this life. My strong logical mind fought and questioned what was happening with my inner being and spiritual experiences every step of the way. 

I was confused and disconnected from myself because I had given everything I had to everyone else prior to this time. Life was changing before my eyes and I didn't know who I was anymore. All of the emotions and behaviors that didn't serve me were coming up to the surface and felt overwhelming to manage.

I felt like the person I thought myself to be was unraveling, but I didn't yet know who I was becoming. 

[Scroll down to read more]

How I can help



For over 20 years, I have worked with others like you to share the life changing techniques of hypnosis and mindfulness.

It is my passion to help others discover what I found - inner peace, freedom and connection to your higher self. This is not about bandaids.

In order to connect with your spiritual self, you also need to support your human. After all, you're here to have a human experience.

This is about discovering and transforming the root cause of what drives your behavior and inner mental and emotional battles - all through exploring the space of consciousness. Through a process I discovered, personally utilized and have honed in after working with thousands of individuals, you can transform what drives your emotions, thoughts and behaviors through techniques that support you stepping into your future, ideal self.


And, if you are desiring to move even beyond those layers, you can connect to your higher self where the real insights are gained. I know from experience that this is possible. I’m living proof of it.

I’ve worked with countless sensitive feelers like you to help them reduce anxious feelings, guilt and self critical thoughts, gain self confidence, self compassion and live a life connected to their soul’s purpose.

I believe you have the answers within and my role is to simply guide you to your inner voice – beyond the voices of the people pleaser, fear, worrier, inner critic and anxiousness.

Your authentic self is ready to be heard. It’s time to step into your power and shine like the person you are meant to be.

When I’m not processing with clients, you will find me spending time with my family (I am a wife and mom of two teens!) and friends, reading, at farmer’s markets, or playing and recharging in nature.

I love to hike, kayak and be around waterfalls, lakes and streams. I love music and was a music major in college before shifting gears and focusing on psychology and emotional wellness. I was born and raised in the Syracuse, NY area and have resided in NC for 18 years.

Early in my career, I practiced as a school psychologist, yoga therapist and mindfulness teacher. I have been providing hypnocoaching services for over a decade and also teach others how to do this powerful work through a certification training program.

I am on a continuous quest to learn and explore all life has to offer


I believe you have the answers within, and it is my role to help you discover what they are. I look forward to having the opportunity to walk by your side on this journey of self discovery. I honor this path you are on.


* Sessions are not a replacement for needed psychotherapy or medical intervention.

My Credentials


  • M.S., School Psychology (not currently practicing) from SUNY Oswego
  •  Certified International Instructor of Spiritual Hypnosis
  • Certified Consulting Hypnotist
  • Assistant Director of the Education Committee for the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives
  • Completed the Duke Integrative Medicine Mindfulness Training for Professionals
  • Completed YTT200 (yoga teacher training) at Kripalu
  • Trained through level 2 of Yoga for the Special Child with Sonia Sumar
  • Completed various yoga therapy workshops and trainings
  • Certified YogaEd. facilitator

    Former and current experience includes:
  • International Instructor of Transpersonal & Spiritual Hypnosis
  • Guest speaker
  • National Conference Presenter: IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists), Expressive Therapies Summit Conference, IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies)
  • Workshop presenter
  • Retreat Facilitator
  • Guest mindfulness instructor for large residential substance abuse recovery center
  • Guest mindfulness instructor for adolescent DBT therapy group


*Sessions offered virtually via Zoom, and in Cary, NC (serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Apex, Holly Springs and Fuquay-Varina areas for in person sessions). Sessions are not a replacement for needed medical, psychological, or mental health care. 

7 Tips to Help When You Have a Spiritually Transformative Experience

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